Thursday, January 31, 2008

Badger Game walking fun!

Congrats to Badgers! Good basketball game for Wisconsin. How about that coach calling timeout with 8 seconds left to coach the kid dribbling into a possible 5 second call. Ryan is a great coach.

Walking was tough tonight, it was like walking up hill all night. Energy is a little down, need to find a few energy foods. Ate a little light today. Coming into the weekend, need to stay focused at the next goal. Hit the 215 mark for end of February, now 210 needs to be the next mark at a pound a week. Time to go shovel the 6 inches of snow we got.

Food intake:
1/31 - Breakfast bar, 100 cal cookie, slice of french toast, turkey sausage patty, milk, chicken fried rice, wine

Step tracking
1/31 15000

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Not all steps; what you eat?

After a walking for 20000 steps, the daily weigh-in increased by .6 pounds. Guess need to watch what you eat. Need to eat more than I did yesterday. Missed lunch because of meetings at work and likely ate my dinner too fast. Slow down an let the food start the digest process. I have been doing that for the most part, however yesterday I was hungry.

Walked for the entire Marquette game to log 20000 steps yesterday. Not sure if it helped, so going to pace myself. Walking tonight at short intervals 2 miles at 7pm; 2 miles at 8pm; 1 mile to finish at 9pm.

Food intake log:
1/29 - 2 90 cal breakfast bar, 1 100 cal cookie, 2 coffee, turkey, potato, peas, wine
1/30 - oatmeal, breakfast bar, 100 cal cookie, coffee, chicken fiatia, rice & beans, carrot cake, 3 beef tacos, soda, 2 100 cal snack bags

Step log:
1/29 20000; 1/30 15000

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Head start helped some

Even after getting a jump start on the weekend still gained...have to watch the food intake and push a little harder on walking for this coming Superbowl weekend.

Lots of walking this weekend to keep on pace. Walked during Wisconsin game tough loss...walked after dinner (at LaPerla) with some friends, did not get to see Marquette win was at dinner. Sunday went to movie and mall. Steps were tough to come by. Had 3700 steps at 6pm and as you see in the log finished the day with 18000. Walked for about 7 miles Sunday night. Just trying to keep up with Mom. Not sure where she is at with challenge.

This mornings weigh proved to hit the January milestone of 215. Need to hit the 210 by middle of February. Once the hill slides down, maybe it will be a little easier.

Food intake:
1/26 - bagel, 90 cal bar, coffee, O.J., bit of banana, chili, coffee, 100 cal cookies, margarita, chicken enchilada, rice, beans, nachos, martini
1/27 - orange juice, cheese & green pepper omelet, coffee, popcorn & soda (movie), chicken, carrots, broccoli, potato (too many), peanut butter & honey sandwich, milk
1/28 - 90 cal bar, coffee, turkey sandwich, pickles, fruit salad, spice cake, sausage slices

Step tracking:
1/26 15000; 1/27 18000; 1/28 12500

Friday, January 25, 2008

Head start into weekend

Worked hard this week in attempting to hit 15000 steps everyday. Is it enough to keep the weekend for trending up? Some days were tough when getting only 4000 or 5000 at work. Really need to get to 7000 or 8000 at work. Had a nice dinner with Linda tonight at Hideaway. Had the baked fish instead of the fried fish attempting to keep that fat down. Walked for most of the Bucks game, what is wrong with them on the road? Plan on walking for another couple miles during Las Vegas tonight in attempt to get to that 18000 mark. The key mint pie I had a work this week was pretty good. They said it only had 120 calories, so had to try it. Never heard of it before. Linda bought some green tea, so we have taking some green tea to help with that fat burning. Burn baby burn!

Scheduled for a hair cut tomorrow after breakfast. Hair is getting a little long. Have been putting most every night. Really concentrating on keep the elbows in and making a good rotation to keep stroke consistent. Getting some more snow tonight about 3 inches, will have to see. Purchased some new shoes, as old ones were getting my feet wet with all the snow and cold.

Yes, we made it tonight half way through Las Vegas 18000 steps!

Food intake:
1/23 - coffee, scramble eggs, sausage, salad, brownie, PB&J and chips, soda
1/24 - 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee x2, fish, rice, peas, key mint pie, chili
1/25 - coffee, breakfast bar, salad with grilled chicken, jello, pudding, popcorn, beer, fish, french onion soup, carrots, broccoli, bread, water

Step tracking:
1/23 15000; 1/24 15000; 1/25 18000

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Training all day today

Sitting in computer training all day made it tough to find time to walk at lunchtime. Good thing the Badgers played tonight. Was able walk for 1 hour to meet 15000 goal. Close game, enjoyed texting folks (they were playing Bingo). Finished writing some bills tonight, going to sit down early for a 9pm show.

Linda bought some new pants to try on. Oh, shoes cracked on the bottom. Not so good on slushy snow. My feet got wet. Have to go try on some new ones.

So, is that graph going to ever get below the line and stay there. New goal of 18000 steps going to happen later this week. Have to see if I am able to keep up the 15000 steps. Getting a little better at making 15000 with a target of about 7000 before coming home. Might have to start walking the morning to get a 2000 step head start. Just can't get butt out of bed. Need that sun! Today, I had to get up and shovel about 9 inches of snow out of drive before work.

Food intake:
1/22 - coffee x2, 90 cal breakfast bar, small blueberry muffin, 100 cal cookies, peanuts, diet 7up x2, 3 small cookies, chicken stir-fry with rice, wine

Step tracking:
1/22 - 15000

Monday, January 21, 2008

No more Green Bay Packer Parties :-(

Too bad Green Bay could not make it for one more weekend party. Thank goodness there are not any more Green Bay games. Now with the holidays over and the Packer season ended, one can really stop the rich fun food at holidays and games.

A little experiment for the Packer party. Walked like crazy all day before the game to get my steps logged. At 4pm had 12000 steps in with a 220.0 weigh-in. Had some tacos and nachos along with a few margaritas. Post game finished with 15000 steps with a 224.0 weigh-in. Happy to find morning after only 221.2. Amazing how many pounds you lose sleeping? Just need to watch what one eats after hours.

Food intake:
1/20 - Bagel, coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, tacos, nachos, margarita, Jägermeister (for two Packer touchdowns), cup cake (green frosting)
1/21 - 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, salad, pears, chicken noodle soup, chicken taco salad, cherry cheese cake slice, soda

Step tracking:
1/20 15000 1/21 15000

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend even at 10000 steps

Was able to put on 10000 steps on Saturday. Have a good started on Sunday too. Watched some basketball and walked several steps on Saturday. Worked hard at watching the snacks. Was able to keep hand out of pantry for the day. Just can't get activity up there on the weekend. That darn graph, just can't keep below the line. Need to get target line on graph next to get some more motivation.

With Christmas stuff down, switched living room around last night (Linda happy). Watched Bucks game not so good. Big Ten network kept us from seeing the Badger game last night after Church. Talked about going to bar, but decided to play darts in basement with an after dinner beverage. Linda wins two games last night, better watch out for her. I think she is practicing.

Sunday is big day! As I enter this, New England scored. Can they win another game, Chargers look okay. What is going on with Marquette? Another loss on the road, just does not look like a 13th rank team. Better start to find a way or they will be unranked by the end of the season looking for a ticket to New York.

Food intake:
1/19 - Bagel, Coffee, Pizza on a cracker snack, raisins, Prime Rib, Fries, Potato soup, broccoli, beer, white Russian, 2-nips (thanks Luke)

Step tracking:
1/19 10000

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Jimmy's Birthday Dinner is the weekend. Does that mean it is time to start eating a bunch of food again? Take a look at the food intake for today. After dinner, I was able to get on treadmill and walked for 3 miles to attempt to keep from gaining. The chart shows a small increase only .4 pounds...pretty happy about that increase.

Very nice dinner with Jimmy at Bonefish. Good food, good friends with his girlfriend, brother & wife, and daughter. Nice to get out with friends and sill return home in time to catch Las Vegas to get in walking.

Busy day at work meeting with many people about collaboration. Was able to sneak away for an hour to get glasses fixed. Still not sure about them, some getting used to them. Seems to help with some of that smaller print seen a work and easier reading of technical books. Still have some of that glare... will have learn.

Hur-ray was able to meet 15000 goal steps on 1/18.

Food intake:
1/18 - Banana, 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, BBQ sandwich, New England Chowder, Coconut Butterfly Shrimp, Salad (Great house salad), bottle of beer, glass of wine, coffee, water, Gulf flounder, bread with olive oil dip, few bites of brownie/ice cream dessert, one bite of keylime pie

Step tracking:
1/18 15000

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Milwaukee Bucks game

Careful when attending those Bucks games...the food can draw you in. Go Bucks! Victory over the Atlanta Hawks. Gotta have those nachos and cheese. Guess when you cheat a little the pounds sneak up a little to...careful.

Steps were a little short last couple days. Tough walking when you go to Bucks game. Just short walk from car. Meetings too close to lunch time to allow for 30 minute walk at lunch today. Look weekend coming...head to Bonefish for Jimmy's birthday.

Tough loss for Marquette tonight. What is going on with the team? Walked for the entire second half, chipped 100 balls into net, beat myself at darts, also beat myself at pitching drill. People are afraid of competion here. Perhaps a video game?

Food intake:
1/16 - 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, banana, fish, rice, veggies, cheese cake, water, pizza, nachos and cheese, soda
1/17 - Blueberry muffin, coffee, chicken, salad, beef sandwich, 100 cal cookie pack

Step tracking:
1/16 11000; 1/17 11000

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

What to do about Weekend

As much as I like the weekend to get away from work, it is tough to keep active in the winter. Going to the Mall in the morning to add up some steps this winter. Just can't treadmill for that many steps, even in front of the TV watching games.

Food intake:
1/13 - Milk, eggs, toast, buggles, peanuts, soda, pizza, roast beef & gravy, green beans, milk, 2 dinner rolls
1/14 - 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, salad, peaches, water
1/15 - 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, banana, salad, chicken noodle soup, 90 cal snack pack

Step tracking:
1/13 7200; 1/14 15000 1/15 15000

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekends are killers

Need to find a way to doing better during the weekends. Steps are hard to come by in the winter. Spending a lot of time in the chair and on the treadmill does not add up to too many steps. Even fighting to keep from snacking too. One does not realize how much walking is done at work everyday. With the desk job, that requires me to walk to many meetings around the campus adds up quickly. Also, take that 20 minute walk at lunch adds up too. Making the night walk easier to get to the 12000-15000 goal.

How about those Packers? Enjoyed the game with friends. Looking forward to next weekend.

Food intake:
1/11 - 100 cal cookies, fish fry, beer, 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, grilled cheese, tomato soup
1/12 - 100 cal cookies, 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, chicken noodle soup, pizza crackers, pizza bread, sub sandwich, chips, pickle, soda

Step tracking:
1/11 - 8000; 1/12 7200

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Stayed flat

Thank goodness! Stayed flat for the day yesterday with all that food. Today was tough day with some good food at work today. Also, the great chili Linda made tonight. I had to finish the chili eating 2 servings tonight. Quick entry tonight...getting back to the Badger game and try to finish my steps for today. I was able to get started with my PC hard-drive upgrade. Wait and see if I get the performance increase.

Food intake:
1/10 - Coffee, 90 cal breakfast bar, 100 cal cookies, fish, corn, potato, cream pie, chili, dips, water

Step tracking:
1/10 12000

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Turning for the better

Starting this week has proven to make a move in the right direction. Interesting how you pay attention to the steps taken in order to match the food intake. Being careful what is being put in the mouth along with increased steps has allow a trend in the right direction. Even had the chance to eating out twice, just watching what is ordered. Pulled pork sandwich one day skipped the top bun and only ate half the fries. Singha Thai Restaurant PUD-KEE-MOW for lunch only having salad for dinner. Also, really trying to cut the soda intake.

How about those Marquette Golden Eagles? Tough game against Seton Hall proved to interesting. I was away from TV for first half at a Technology seminar. Came home put on my t-shirt and started walking on the treadmill. Was fun to watch them turn up the throttle for the ugly win.

Food intake tracking:
1/8 - Banana, Coffee, Pulled Pork sandwich, fries, water, 100 calorie cookie x2, more water
1/9 - Banana, Coffee x2, PUD-KEE-MOW, water, meat loaf, lettuce, dressing, dips, milk

Step tracking:
1/8 7100; 1/9 12000

Little nervous about morning weigh-in... night weigh-in was 225.4 what the heck? 12000 steps and this is what I get. Maybe too much PUD-KEE-MOW. Extra steps during Badger game tomorrow scheduled.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Going the wrong way?

Good thing I started early...what is happening? Going the wrong way...seems like you watch what you eat, but what are you eating? Guess this stretch has not been working for me. Those few beers on the weekend just pack it on. Christmas and New Years has packed on solid. Time to change the trend the other way. Goal will be to attempt to break a sweat everyday. Need to keep walking at work at lunchtime. Hit goal for steps today, attempt to match the rest of the week.

Food intake evaluation:
1/3 Coffee x2, 90 calorie bar, turkey sandwich, chicken breast, cherry pie, banana bread
1/4 90 calorie bar, coffee, fish dinner, beer
1/5 bagel, ribs, brownie, soda, chips, margarita, fiddle faddle
1/6 bagel, pizza, soda, spam and potatoes, peas, corn muffins, milk
1/7 banana, coffee, chicken rice soup, salad, water, chicken enchilada, rice, beans, chips, soda, mint chip

Steps tracker:
1/3 5700; 1/4 5300; 1/5 5800; 1/6 6800; 1/7 12000

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1st back to Work in 2008

Back to work for the first day in 2008. Changes in life include my first pair of glasses. They help with the reading and allow me to work and read without eye strain. It will be hard to adjust as eyes have always been so good. I will blame on the weight...maybe as the weight drops my eyes will get better. ;-)

Activities include the purchase of a pedometer (my wife broke the old one and purchased a new one). Walk 7000 steps since installing at 5pm tonight. Spent 1 hour on treadmill to test out the pedometer.

Food intake: coffee, 90 cal bar; 100 cal cookies, split chicken Casar salad with Linda, soda

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year ... 2008

It is a another year 2008! We made another year. I am glad the year is starting that means that eating everyday and all weekend should end. As you can see from the graph the trend is not good. Need to find some energy and work out a good schedule to get working on the weight life balance. So, like many others I am joining America to get healthily

Activity has been mostly dancing around with Linda New Year's Eve. Playing darts, wow I think Linda won 50% of the games. Some air guitar during favorite songs.

Food intake includes:
12/30 - Pancakes, Fried Rice, Pizza; soda
12/31 - 90 calorie bar; 100 calorie cookies, 2 coffees; filet mignon, Fries, Campaign
01/01 - Omelet; Fried Rice, Cheeseburger, Onion Rings, Soda, Mint Chip