Thursday, January 17, 2008

Milwaukee Bucks game

Careful when attending those Bucks games...the food can draw you in. Go Bucks! Victory over the Atlanta Hawks. Gotta have those nachos and cheese. Guess when you cheat a little the pounds sneak up a little to...careful.

Steps were a little short last couple days. Tough walking when you go to Bucks game. Just short walk from car. Meetings too close to lunch time to allow for 30 minute walk at lunch today. Look weekend coming...head to Bonefish for Jimmy's birthday.

Tough loss for Marquette tonight. What is going on with the team? Walked for the entire second half, chipped 100 balls into net, beat myself at darts, also beat myself at pitching drill. People are afraid of competion here. Perhaps a video game?

Food intake:
1/16 - 90 cal breakfast bar, coffee, banana, fish, rice, veggies, cheese cake, water, pizza, nachos and cheese, soda
1/17 - Blueberry muffin, coffee, chicken, salad, beef sandwich, 100 cal cookie pack

Step tracking:
1/16 11000; 1/17 11000

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