Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year ... 2008

It is a another year 2008! We made another year. I am glad the year is starting that means that eating everyday and all weekend should end. As you can see from the graph the trend is not good. Need to find some energy and work out a good schedule to get working on the weight life balance. So, like many others I am joining America to get healthily http://biggestloser.msn.com/.

Activity has been mostly dancing around with Linda New Year's Eve. Playing darts, wow I think Linda won 50% of the games. Some air guitar during favorite songs.

Food intake includes:
12/30 - Pancakes, Fried Rice, Pizza; soda
12/31 - 90 calorie bar; 100 calorie cookies, 2 coffees; filet mignon, Fries, Campaign
01/01 - Omelet; Fried Rice, Cheeseburger, Onion Rings, Soda, Mint Chip

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