Saturday, December 29, 2007

Opening the new Bar

Congratulations to my Sister and Brother-in-Law for the purchase of the new bar in Janesville, WI. I want to wish the best in the endeavor. I just hope my sister remembers me when she is a the next millionaire.

Operating a bar is hard work and can fun too. Here a link to some interesting things to consider when putting together the bar.

What is the name of the new bar?

Keep that drinks pouring and the food cooking. Have fun!

Holiday's costly for most

Gaining weight over the holiday is easy to do with all the goodies at the office, at home, at Grandma's, and at the friends. Reading an article that did some research shows that we gain 5 pounds during the holiday season. This is why I often attempt to loose some pounds. It is challenging and often gets me a head start for the new year. This year was tougher than past years for me.

As you can see by my daily log it is tough. Big gainer day was the day we visit my Mother and the second day visiting some friends.

Activities remind kind of low. With the recent snow, I was able to get out an do some shoveling. We had about 6 inches of snow to shovel. Watched some good basketball games. Great last second shot by Wisconsin win over Texas. Boring Marquette game over a cupcake team. Other good games West Virginia overtime game, New England losing to Giants as of post.

Food intake as been tough:
Christmas Eve Day - Sweet roll, Shrimp, Prime Rib, Chicken Noodle Soup (homemade), Fudge, Salad, Grasshopper, Campaign
Christmas Day - Sweet roll, Coffee, Turkey, Potatoes, Pumpkin Pie, Turkey Sandwich
After Christmas - Sweet roll, Tacos, Turkey and Potatoes (left overs), Beer and Wine
12/27 - Cookies for breakfast, coffee, Chicken from favorite Chinese place
12/28 - Sweet roll, coffee, peanuts, soda, mint, Fish fry, french fries, Honey Weiss
12/29 - Pancakes, Milk, Chicken Fried Rice (homemade), Peanuts, Pizza, Cookies & Milk

Monday, December 24, 2007

Packer Day not so happy, but wait...

Packers played the Bears in hopes of having home field in the playoffs. Wait a minute...let the NFL put together a story that will be legend. Packers need to go to Dallas so Favre can win for the first time in many visits to beat Dallas. Favre beats Brady in the Superbowl. Favre announces his retirement after the Superbowl. Favre goes down in history books and puts Green Bay on the NFL map again.

Activities were darts with Josh, played some cards with Josh, played Foosball with Josh. Walked up and down stairs.

Food intake (not so good): eggs over easy on toast; coffee; orange juice; 90 calorie bar; bacon hot dog wrap; bacon pineapple wrap; white chocolate peanuts and pretzels; chips and snacks; beer; soda; pizza

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saturday at the Movies

Family went to movie on Saturday in the fog. Could only see about quarter mile...everyone had same idea on Saturday or I have not gone to an afternoon movie in a while. We watched National Treasure Pretty good movie reminded me of the Indiana Jones movies going on a big treasure hunt.

Activities low - did a little shoveling with Luke to clean up driveway.

Food intake - cheese sausage omelet, cinnamon roll, orange juice, coffee, buttered popcorn, soda, hamburger, potato, carrots, milk, 100 calorie bag of cookies

Thought I was going to have an increase have low activity day and food intake of buttered popcorn. Did a quick weigh in before bed 221.3 to weak up 217.8 was a surprise.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday Night Games

It is amazing when you don't eat too much during the day that you really don't lose any weight. It was a busy day of closing some work out so I could get to the basketball games starting at 4pm.

Missed lunch today because of Sheepshead. They were ready to get started playing when I arrived so passed on lunch. Have to say the I have never played Sheepshead where the first two queens are partners. Very different game, you almost play like a leaster if you can't take a trick. Nonetheless, I just played the queen first everytime to find out who wanted to play with me. It often felt like that it was three against one. Different.

Attended Franklin High School basketball games. Yes, games...first game was at 4pm freshmen (won); talked Linda into staying for the JV game at 5:30pm. JV lost a close game after a last second shot. Said, hey Linda we can stay for the first half of the Varsity game. 2 point game at half, so stayed. Franklin made shot with 3.5 sec on clock to take lead by one. After to two careless turnovers by Oak Creek, Franklin prevailed winning by three.

Activites for day for me where low, sitting and standing for 5 hours watching basketball.

Food intake for the day:
Energy drink, bag of peanuts, fish sandwich and fries, coke, beer, cheese and crackers

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Healthy Few Days

Activities have increased over the past few days. Treadmill for 1 mile, then 2 miles for 35 minutes. Taking the stairs a few more times during the day. Went for walk to pay parking over lunch time about 15 minute walk

Food intake- tracking to keep some record of consumed calories.

12/18 - Granola bar, coffee x2, banana, salad, cucumbers, carrots, croutons, french dressing, roast beef sandwich, water x2, fried rice, chicken, potatoes, glass of wine, 3 toffee from Dale and Mary yum!

12/19 - scrambled eggs, sausage, raisin toast, water, mint patty, turkey sandwich, carrots, wheat snack, coke x2, M&M's, cashews, peanuts, cookies, candy bar (Work Christmas Fest)

12/20 - coffee, sweet roll, french dip, french fries, pickle, carrot cake, coffee, granola bar

Monday, December 17, 2007

What bothers you?

Often, I find myself trying to understand why things bother me...

  • Why did that car move into the left lane, the car was not passing just cursing in the left lane?
  • Why do people only think about what's in it for me?
  • How many have kids that want to know why?
  • Have you gone to a resturant and received really bad service and food, why do people go out to eat? (there are some places that have really good food and service, but they are tough to find)
  • My wife falls asleep at about 7:30pm every night in the chair, why does that bother me?
  • Why are so many people at work afraid to help? Seems like they don't want to do any work or change. Why does that bother me?
  • When kids don't get it, when will they get it, do I still not get it?
  • Why when things are going really well do we get some bad news or have something bad happen?
  • Why do they sell laptops with such slow hard-drives?

Is there something that bothers you?

Health Challenge Begins

It is the start of another year. Mom and I have put on some of those un-needed pounds again since our last weigh-in. Last year (2006), I was able to edge Mom out on percent weight loss to win the bet. Again this year (2007), Mom and I have made the same bet. Just a little carrot to work on losing that winter coat. Dad is the official score keeper again this year. (no cheating for Mom, Dad)

Today is the start of the weigh-in. My starting weight this year is about the same as last year. Dad has the official results from last year.

My starting weight is 220.3 as of 7am 12/17/2007.

Today's activities were pretty low. A busy day at work along with an eye doctor appointment limited my time. Nonetheless, I will doing some floor exercises during the Vikings/Bears game tonight.

Food intake included the following:
Banana, Cup Coffee, 2 small cookies - birthday treat from co-worker, second Cup Coffee
Chicken Rice Soup, Crackers, Apple, Croutons, Cucumbers, Fat Free French Dressing, Mixed Lettuce, a little cheddar cheese
Beijing Chicken, Chicken Fried Rice, Soda, yummy Toffee from Dale and Mary