Saturday, December 29, 2007

Holiday's costly for most

Gaining weight over the holiday is easy to do with all the goodies at the office, at home, at Grandma's, and at the friends. Reading an article that did some research shows that we gain 5 pounds during the holiday season. This is why I often attempt to loose some pounds. It is challenging and often gets me a head start for the new year. This year was tougher than past years for me.

As you can see by my daily log it is tough. Big gainer day was the day we visit my Mother and the second day visiting some friends.

Activities remind kind of low. With the recent snow, I was able to get out an do some shoveling. We had about 6 inches of snow to shovel. Watched some good basketball games. Great last second shot by Wisconsin win over Texas. Boring Marquette game over a cupcake team. Other good games West Virginia overtime game, New England losing to Giants as of post.

Food intake as been tough:
Christmas Eve Day - Sweet roll, Shrimp, Prime Rib, Chicken Noodle Soup (homemade), Fudge, Salad, Grasshopper, Campaign
Christmas Day - Sweet roll, Coffee, Turkey, Potatoes, Pumpkin Pie, Turkey Sandwich
After Christmas - Sweet roll, Tacos, Turkey and Potatoes (left overs), Beer and Wine
12/27 - Cookies for breakfast, coffee, Chicken from favorite Chinese place
12/28 - Sweet roll, coffee, peanuts, soda, mint, Fish fry, french fries, Honey Weiss
12/29 - Pancakes, Milk, Chicken Fried Rice (homemade), Peanuts, Pizza, Cookies & Milk

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