Thursday, February 28, 2008

Walking watching Badgers

Watching Badgers on ESPN2 and walking as much as possible to get back on track. It was a tough week...worked at the Franklin campus in training Monday and Tuesday, so walking steps was hard to find. Went to a couple of Bucks games...exciting games Nuggets win and Cavs win both over 100 points so won free quarter pound with cheese. Give that to the kids.

Short entry after a long dry spell...getting back to the Badger game.

Food intake:
2/25 - 90 cal bar, coffee, salad, bolona sandwich, jello, nips, orange
2/26 - pizza, beer, nachos, squash, pulled pork, salad, soda, cookie, coffee, muffin, orange, banana
2/27 - 90 cal bar, sirlon burger and fries, coffee, 100 cal cookie, chicken stir fry, orange
2/28 - 90 cal bar x2, coffee, chili, cucumbers, pudding, chicken & potatoes, corn, milk, dibs, orange push-up

Step tracking:
2/25 3700; 2/26 9700; 2/27 9000; 2/28 18600

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Made it this far

Made it this far through the weekend. Enjoyed a good Bucks game with a good friend. Linda out of town picking up 1/4 of beef for the family. Made it over to dome to hit some golf balls and 9 holes of putting with Jimmy. Need some practice on the full swings. Nice day outside today about 35 degrees. Finally got the truck washed to knock down the salt.

Food intake:
2/23 - 90 cal bar, orange, 100 cal cookie, sausage, pizza, soft pretzel, beer, tuna, 100 cal cheese nips x2
2/24 - 90 cal bar, orange, apple, banana, 100 cal cheese nip, frito, doritos, cheetos, free quarter pound cheese burger (Bucks Ticket over 100 points & winning), soda, coffee

Step tracking:
2/23 6700; 2/24 7700

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Step into weekend

Started with a 17000 step Friday to jump start the weekend. Linda is out of town, so I will have plenty of time to walk today and Sunday. Watch a little of the Match play and maybe some basketball later. The Friday night fish fry put a pound on the weight on Friday. It is amazing at what you eat and how it adds the pounds. Foods that burn quickly and foods that seem to collect on the ribs. By continuing to track the food eaten has helped me with how much, I need to do some more analyzing on what kinds of foods are helping and what foods are hurting. Soda seems to be a big one. Linda watched Opera and heard that no soda for 1 year equals about 5-7 pounds.

Food tracking:
2/22 - 90 cal bar, coffee, Italian beef, cooked carrots, fish, fries, rye bread, soda, orange, banana

Step tracking:
2/22 17700

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Forgot Pedometer

Forgot pedometer today at many steps did I walk. I will try to guess based on activities today. Walked from truck to desk (1000); walked to south building twice (1400); walked 7 laps in south building (2100); walked miscellaneous meetings (400); walked from desk to truck (1000). Working on a total for work at 5900 steps. That is pretty close to what I have been when I get home. Walked 1 mile (2000) on treadmill at 6pm after work. Continued watching Match play with Steve making a long putt to win. Total steps after work 9500 for a total for the day of 15000.

Food intake:
2/21 - banana, chicken noodle soup, banana cream pie, coffee, chinese spicy crispy chicken, wine, orange

Step tracking:
2/21 15000

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Give blood and gained...

Started out strong weekend by giving blood and hitting a low of 212. Relaxed a bit and noticed in the list below that soda has creeped into eating habits. Also, had one day this week were we stopped at the bar after work for a beer and wings. There were 2 days with steps of 5000 and 10000. Looks like today we have leveled off again with no gain. Watched what I ate today keeping it to fruit. Stopped at GNC to pickup suppliment vitiams again. I have been out for 1 week. Should see pick up in energy and steps into the weekend.

Food intake:
2/15 - 2 90 cal bar, apple juice, rasin cookie, salad, 1 slice pizza, popcorn, soda, coffee, junior mints
2/16 - strawberry cheese cake, coffee, PBJ, cereal, chips, soda, reeses candy bar
2/17 - eggs bacon, toast, orange juice, rice crispy, soda, popcorn, garlic sausage, 1/2 ham & cheese sandwich, coffee, 100 cal cookies, corn muffins
2/18 - 90 cal bar, coffee, junior mints, pudkeemow(Thai), Chicken wings, cheese sticks, clams, beer
2/19 - 3 90 cal bars, 1 100 cal bar, club sandwich, chips, soda, pickle, potato salad, cookies, chicken, rice, beans, coffee
2/20 - 90 cal bar, eggs, sausage, orange juice, banana, apple, rasins, yogurt, orange, popcorn, potein shake, rice crispy

Step tracking:
2/15 16500; 2/16 15000; 2/17 10000; 2/18 5000; 2/19 15000 2/20 15000

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Snow in Wisconsin

Just in case you did not see enough snow. You can see the side walk to the front door with Luke in shorts. It is a warm 37 degree day with wind chill about 10 on this day. The snow out the back on the desk. There is a nice pile on the deck about a third the way up railing.

Luke in the Snow wearing shorts?

Luke is getting pretty tall, but snow is over the mail box. You can see where we have pushed the snow back from the edge of the driveway so we can shovel the snow off the drive later tomorrow when we get more snow. The snow on the roof of the house as really gone down quickly today. The drift hanging over was hanging down about 2 feet below gutter.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Too much Cheese Cake?

Perhaps there was too much cheese cake, up a little this week. More snow tonight...maybe some more shoveling. Big win for Badgers too bad did not see the game again (nice Big Ten network). Guess I will have to stop watching Badgers and watch Bucks and Marquette.

Happy valentines days!

Food intake:
2/13 - 2 90 cal bars, coffee 2x, tacos, rice, margarita, strawberry cheese cake, Pork Loin, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Broccoli, Hubbard Squash, Cranberry Bread Pudding
2/14 - fried eggs, bacon, rasin toast, orange juice, roast beef sandwich, apple sauce, beef ribs, wine, couple of fries

Step tracking:
2/13 15000; 2/14 15000

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Make a move?

Making the early move to get to goal by end of month. Working hard on watching what I eat. However, tonight was a fun night...I bought Linda a cheesecake with some cherry topping for the valentine week. Yes, you see in the food intake many cheese cakes. Might be my new diet to losing weight?

Guess what? More snow about 10 inches again today. Light fluffy stuff...very pretty white snow. Makes about 27 inches on the ground now. No wonder my back is a little sore this week.

Food intake:
2/10 - steak, cookies, coffee
2/11 - fish, beans, carrots, rice, cheese cake, spam and potatoes, beans, cookies, reese candy bar
2/12 - 90 cal bar, 100 cal cookies, coffee x2, chicken, noodles, carrots, beans, cheesecake, meat loaf, corn, cherry topped cheese cake

Step tracking:
2/10 15000; 2/11 11600; 2/12 15000

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quiet Weekend

Movie and dinner at home on Friday night. Rented a couple of bad movies (Linda was sleeping by 8), watched part of the movie, then turned off at 9 to watch Las Vegas. Saturday was a little snow again (light shoveling), made it church not too many steps on Saturday again. Watched Marquette game; took Luke to baseball try-outs for Franklin Junior Baseball. The Big Ten network did not allow anyone to watch the game (that over priced Big Ten), so watched the Bucks lose to the Knicks. In bed shortly after the game for a good night sleep. Working on a Sunday plan to get some steps in. Jump start this morning of only 1 mile (2000 steps).

Food intake:
2/8 - French toast, Fried egg, 90 cal bar, coffee, salad, chicken noodle soup, cherry cheesecake, Chinese and wine, 100 cal cookie x2
2/9 - Waffle, oatmeal, rice crispy bar, peanut butter sandwich, fiddle faddle (handful), soda, bacon wrapped filet

Step tracking:
2/8 15000; 2/9 5600

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Snowy week

It is as been a snow week. On Wednesday, only a half day of work. Temptation to snack was tough during the week. Wednesday was a snow day...we got 12 inches of snow. Snow blowing all afternoon on an off. Spent some most of the day with Linda. Was able to watch some TV and relax.

Food intake:
2/6 - 90 cal bar, coffee, fig newton bar, hot turkey sandwich, brocoli, lasanga, garlic bread, wine, peanut butter sandwich snack, soda
2/7 - sesame chicken, rice, stir-fry veggies, yellow cake, banana, 90 cal bar x2, coffee x2, chicken, noodles, green beans

Step tracking
2/6 15000; 2/7 13000

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Recovered from weekend

Tough start to the weekend. Was able to walk 1 mile hour per hour on Sunday that helped. Scare on Monday as there was no treadmill time as baseball practice started, so took look to practice after Church. Attempting to push up the number of steps at work by walking in morning, lunch, and afternoon for about 1000 steps.

Tough loss for the Marquette Golden Eagles. Missed the game early start was at Church and then baseball practice. Tuesday night attended furneral of golf friend died in his sleep at age 68. Saw a bunch of Oakwood Men's Club members. Preparing to shovel some more snow tomorrow morning. Total snow fall is predicted at about 12 inches, we will see. Kids hoping for a snow day.

Food intake:
2/3 - 4 rice crispy bars, peanut butter toast, milk, coffee, hoho, 2 fish sandwiches, popcorn, shrimp, soda
2/4 - chicken, potato, green beans, cream corn, pudding, tuna casorole, coffee x2, banana, 90 cal bar, 100 cal cookies, brownies
2/5 - coffee, banana, 90 cal bar, 100 cal cookies, chicken cesear salad, snickerdoodle, chicken casadea

Step tracking:
2/3 15000; 2/4 11000; 2/5 15000

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sluggish weekend

It started with a fall on Friday shoveling 8 inches of snow. Slipped on some ice, yup down I went. Not to bad of fall, but seemed to strain my neck on the left side. It has been sore and stiff for the past few days. The stiffness has made be feel that ugly soreness all over my body. Got out of the house Saturday; to hit some golf balls in the dome. It was fun to take a full swing and a putting contest. Didn't feel too bad after. However, without walk the 18-holes or even 9-holes my steps for Saturday were an all time low. Dad could even beat me. Yes check the step tracking below. Sat and watched a movie (Good Luck Chuck) with Linda and ate pizza. In bed by 9:45pm, sleep until 8am. Watched the end of the golf to see Tiger win again. Got his book out again, to start studying.

Setting a goal for Sunday to walk 1 mile an hour starting at 11 o'clock hour in attempt to get steps back on pass. Stay tuned...

Food intake:
2/1 - Oatmeal, 2 90 cal bars; coffee; brat, pepperonis, cucumbers, pickles, brownie, fish, potato, carrot, wine, shrimp, soda
2/2 - french toast & sausage, cheese & sausage, garlic cheese bread, soda, 2 100 cal cookies, pizza, soda

Step tracking
2/1 15000; 2/2 -3300