Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Give blood and gained...

Started out strong weekend by giving blood and hitting a low of 212. Relaxed a bit and noticed in the list below that soda has creeped into eating habits. Also, had one day this week were we stopped at the bar after work for a beer and wings. There were 2 days with steps of 5000 and 10000. Looks like today we have leveled off again with no gain. Watched what I ate today keeping it to fruit. Stopped at GNC to pickup suppliment vitiams again. I have been out for 1 week. Should see pick up in energy and steps into the weekend.

Food intake:
2/15 - 2 90 cal bar, apple juice, rasin cookie, salad, 1 slice pizza, popcorn, soda, coffee, junior mints
2/16 - strawberry cheese cake, coffee, PBJ, cereal, chips, soda, reeses candy bar
2/17 - eggs bacon, toast, orange juice, rice crispy, soda, popcorn, garlic sausage, 1/2 ham & cheese sandwich, coffee, 100 cal cookies, corn muffins
2/18 - 90 cal bar, coffee, junior mints, pudkeemow(Thai), Chicken wings, cheese sticks, clams, beer
2/19 - 3 90 cal bars, 1 100 cal bar, club sandwich, chips, soda, pickle, potato salad, cookies, chicken, rice, beans, coffee
2/20 - 90 cal bar, eggs, sausage, orange juice, banana, apple, rasins, yogurt, orange, popcorn, potein shake, rice crispy

Step tracking:
2/15 16500; 2/16 15000; 2/17 10000; 2/18 5000; 2/19 15000 2/20 15000

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